Web development
Variety of subjects on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and SQL
48 post(s) found in this category.
There is no data to update error in CodeIgniter 4
Fixing No input file specified error in CodeIgniter 4
Setting variables with BASH and getting them in Python script
Vanilla JavaScript alternatives to jQuery functions
Performing inner and outer SQL joins in CodeIgniter 4
Prepending an empty string key option to options array for form_dropdown function in CodeIgniter 4
Adding, listing and dropping foreign keys in MySQL
Finding previous and next database table item with Query Builder in CodeIgniter 4
Building a module for CodeIgniter 4
Creating URL-safe slugs in CodeIgniter 4
Database queries with bindings and Query Builder essentials in CodeIgniter 4
Selecting items created within the current month in MySQL
Make sass watch and compile scss files in the background
Quick node and npm installation using nvm on Debian
Learning about node modules and their location with npm
How to get a single validation rule from model in CodeIgniter 4?
How to load module helper in CodeIgniter 4?
Mapping associative array keys to variables with $$ in PHP
Switching from Mcrypt to OpenSSL engine in Kohana application
Developing for browser with mocha, chai and window node modules
Turning OOP class to graph for better code composition and understanding
Geocoding with HERE APIs and Vue.js
JSON object in asynchronous HTTP request
Vue.js Fetch API and PHP generators
Binary Search algorithm advanced implementation in PHP
Binary Search algorithm implementation in PHP
Using WordPress on the command line
POST request and Transients API in WordPress
Validating user input with functions in PHP
Mapping numeric score to feedback message in PHP
Converting tree to correct HTML list in PHP
Traversing trees in pre-order recursively in PHP
Extending WordPress custom menus
Non-destructive array extending in PHP
Installing WordPress language files automatically
Insertion Sort algorithm and sorting dates in PHP
Sorting UTF-8 strings in PHP
Secondary database query and shortcodes in Wordpress
Optimizing JPEG graphics files with ImageMagick
installing PHPUnit
Essential WordPress plugin hooks
Updating WordPress database URLs - part 2
Updating WordPress database URLs - part 1
Find first image URL in WordPress post content
Genericons unicode values
Sorting objects by their property in PHP
Setting home and siteurl dynamically in Wordpress
The most used Wordpress hooks