Genericons unicode values
Created:21 Dec 2016 11:07:56 , in Host development, Web development
A list of Genericons and their codes to be used in your CSS files.
Here is how you use Genericons:
.social-navigation a[href*=""]:before {
content: "\f225";
Extracting genericons names and codepoints
The script.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Author : Sylwester Wojnowski
# Title : Genericons unicode values
# Description : Script finds \fxxx value for a given icon name
# or returns all name:\fxxx pairs found in
# genericons.css file given as input to it.
# Version : 1.0.0
# ###########################################################
script=$(basename "${0}")
if [[ -z "$1" ]] || [[ ! -f "$1" ]] || [[ $(grep -q "genericons.css" "$1") ]]
echo "$1 is not a correct genericons.css file"
echo "USAGE: $script path-to-genericons.css [icon_name]"
exit 1;
if [[ "$2" != "" ]];then item="$2"; fi
while read -r ; do
IFS='"' read -ra CDR <<< "$REPLY"
if [[ "$item" != "" ]];then
if [[ "$name" = "$2" ]];then
echo "$name:$code";
exit 0;
echo "$name:$code";
done < <(grep 'content' "$1" )
Run the script
Run the script as follows to get info on all or a single icon.
$ ./ path-to-your-genericons.css
$ ./ path-to-your-genericons.css icon
Genericons unicode codes list
- activity\f508
- anchor\f509
- aside\f101
- \f416
- audio\f109
- bold\f471
- book\f444
- bug\f50a
- cart\f447
- category\f301
- chat\f108
- checkmark\f418
- close\f405
- close-alt\f406
- cloud\f426
- cloud-download\f440
- cloud-upload\f441
- code\f462
- codepen\f216
- cog\f445
- collapse\f432
- comment\f300
- day\f305
- digg\f221
- document\f443
- dot\f428
- downarrow\f502
- download\f50b
- draggable\f436
- dribbble\f201
- dropbox\f225
- dropdown\f433
- dropdown-left\f434
- edit\f411
- ellipsis\f476
- \f431
- external\f442
- facebook\f203
- facebook-alt\f204
- fastforward\f458
- feed\f413
- flag\f468
- flickr\f211
- foursquare\f226
- fullscreen\f474
- gallery\f103
- github\f200
- googleplus\f206
- googleplus-alt\f218
- handset\f50c
- heart\f461
- help\f457
- hide\f404
- hierarchy\f505
- home\f409
- image\f102
- info\f455
- instagram\f215
- italic\f472
- key\f427
- leftarrow\f503
- link\f107
- linkedin\f207
- linkedin-alt\f208
- location\f417
- lock\f470
- mail\f410
- maximize\f422
- \f419
- microphone\f50d
- minimize\f421
- minus\f50e
- month\f307
- move\f50f
- next\f429
- notice\f456
- paintbrush\f506
- path\f219
- pause\f448
- phone\f437
- picture\f473
- pinned\f308
- pinterest\f209
- pinterest-alt\f210
- play\f452
- plugin\f439
- plus\f510
- pocket\f224
- polldaddy\f217
- portfolio\f460
- previous\f430
- print\f469
- quote\f106
- \f511
- \f512
- \f513
- reddit\f222
- refresh\f420
- reply\f412
- \f466
- \f467
- rewind\f459
- rightarrow\f501
- search\f400
- send-to-phone\f438
- send-to-tablet\f454
- \f415
- show\f403
- shuffle\f514
- sitemap\f507
- skip-ahead\f451
- skip-back\f450
- skype\f220
- spam\f424
- spotify\f515
- standard\f100
- star\f408
- status\f105
- stop\f449
- stumbleupon\f223
- subscribe\f463
- subscribed\f465
- summary\f425
- tablet\f453
- tag\f302
- time\f303
- top\f435
- trash\f407
- tumblr\f214
- twitch\f516
- twitter\f202
- unapprove\f446
- unsubscribe\f464
- unzoom\f401
- uparrow\f500
- user\f304
- video\f104
- videocamera\f517
- vimeo\f212
- warning\f414
- website\f475
- week\f306
- wordpress\f205
- xpost\f504
- youtube\f213
- zoom\f402
This post was updated on 06 Oct 2021 20:38:28
Tags: genericons , php , wordpress
Author, Copyright and citation
Author of the this article - Sylwester Wojnowski - is a sWWW web developer. He has been writing computer code for the websites and web applications since 1998.
©Copyright, 2024 Sylwester Wojnowski. This article may not be reproduced or published as a whole or in parts without permission from the author. If you share it, please give author credit and do not remove embedded links.
Computer code, if present in the article, is excluded from the above and licensed under GPLv3.
Cite this article as:
Wojnowski, Sylwester. "Genericons unicode values." From sWWW - Code For The Web .
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