Host development
Mostly stuff related to GNU/Debian and BASH shell scripting
18 post(s) found in this category.
Get logged-in user username and groups with Python
Setting variables with BASH and getting them in Python script
MongoDB mongod server fails to start after installation and solution
Quick node and npm installation using nvm on Debian
Learning about node modules and their location with npm
Piping JSON object to PHP script
cURL over HTTPS - web mailbox authentication and data access
Builidng and compressing archives with tar and process substitution
Watermarking images with ImageMagick and BASH
Compound interest in PHP part 2
Optimizing JPEG graphics files with ImageMagick
Substituting file contents in place with BASH and sed
installing PHPUnit
Arrays in BASH
BASH recursion examples - part 2
Env and BASH declare
Genericons unicode values
Find total of a column of numbers with BASH