Substituting file contents in place with BASH and sed
Created:05 Mar 2017 16:33:19 , in Host development
Here is how to substitute file contents in place with sed or BASH
Substituting in place with sed
# Usage : sed_sub_in_place search replace file
# ^[\].*$ escaped in search (Basic Regular Expressions)
# / and & escaped in replace ( escape BRE special characters: ^[\].*$ with \ if present)
# makes copy of the original with the name file.tmp
sed_sub_in_place() {
sed --in-place=.tmp "$s_e" "$f"
Run it:
# replacing < with < in data.txt
sed_sub_in_place '<' '<' data.txt
# replacing > with > in data.txt
sed_sub_in_place '>' '>' data.txt
# replacing " with " in data.txt
sed_sub_in_place '"' '"' data.txt
# replacing ' with ' in data.txt
sed_sub_in_place "'" ''' data.txt
# replacing '[div]' with '<div>' in data.txt
sed_sub_in_place '[div]' '<div>' data.txt
# replacing '[/div]' with '</div>' in data.txt
sed_sub_in_place '[/div]' '</div>' data.txt
# replacing SetEnvIfNoCase User-Agent (<|<|%3C)(%20|s)*script(s|%20|>|>|%3E) keep_out with REPLACED in data.txt
sed_sub_in_place 'SetEnvIfNoCase User-Agent (<|<|%3C)(%20|s)*script(s|%20|>|>|%3E) keep_out' 'REPLACED' data.txt
Substituting with BASH
A function below, bash_sub_in_place, escapes \*[] and ?. Escaping in replace is not necessary. Also, the function reads in whole file at one go, so it is not suitable for making substitutions in very large files..
# Usage: bash_sub_in_place search replace file
# \*[]? escaped in search, due to their special meaning for BASH
# nothing escaped in replace
# makes copy with the name file.timestamp.nanoseconds.tmp
bash_sub_in_place() {
local s=${1//\\/\\\\}
local s_w="$2"
local f="$3"
local d=$(date +"%s.%N")
cp "$f" "$f.$d.tmp"
local f_c=$(< $f )
local fcr=${f_c//${s}/${s_w}}
echo "$fcr" > "$f"
This function works in the same manner like sed_sub_in_place. Substitute function names and run examples above if in doubt.
More complex substitutions
Both functions can be used in more sophisticated manner. One can, for example, make them substitute special characters in HTML for their predefined entities and back.
Here are examples:
# sed_htmlize takes one argument, file to make substitutions in
# substitutes &,<,>,",' for HTML character entities
sed_sub_in_place '&' '&' $1
sed_sub_in_place '<' '<' $1
sed_sub_in_place '>' '>' $1
sed_sub_in_place '"' '"' $1
sed_sub_in_place "'" ''' $1
# sed_unhtmlize takes one argument, file to make substitutions in
# substitutes HTML predefined entities for &,<,>,",'
sed_sub_in_place '&' '&' $1
sed_sub_in_place '<' '<' $1
sed_sub_in_place '>' '>' $1
sed_sub_in_place '"' '"' $1
sed_sub_in_place ''' "'" $1
As for use:
sed_htmlize data.txt
to turn &,<,>,",' into HTML predefined entities, and
sed_unhtmlize() data.txt
to get the original version of data.txt file back.
Safety of substituting in place
In short, substituting in place is neither safe nor recommended in most of cases. For the two functions presented here, sed_sub_in_place and bash_sub_in_place, make copy of the original file contents in file.timestamp.nanoseconds.tmp file. Make sure you check that your substitutions produce desired effects before deleting temporary files. Even better, work on copies of original files.
This post was updated on 06 Oct 2021 21:19:43
Author, Copyright and citation
Author of the this article - Sylwester Wojnowski - is a sWWW web developer. He has been writing computer code for the websites and web applications since 1998.
©Copyright, 2025 Sylwester Wojnowski. This article may not be reproduced or published as a whole or in parts without permission from the author. If you share it, please give author credit and do not remove embedded links.
Computer code, if present in the article, is excluded from the above and licensed under GPLv3.
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Wojnowski, Sylwester. "Substituting file contents in place with BASH and sed." From sWWW - Code For The Web .
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