S.Wojnowski - web development

Helping make the web work for everyone.

Welcome to my website. My name is Sylwester Wojnowski. I am a full stack web developer who started programming for the internet in 1998. As a web developer I plan, design and implement intereactive internet technologies and applications for individuals and organisations.

Web Developer Zone

Web Developer Zone is a code first section devoted to tools and techniques used in web development. Thematically, the main focus here is on PHP, Linux, BASH, JavaScript and a little bit of MySQL and Python.

Pick of the week

Turning OOP class to graph for better code composition and understanding

Turning OOP class to graph for better code composition and understanding

28 Jul 2020 00:28:15

Article on perceiving OOP classes and objects based on them as graphs and advantages this approach yields.

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Validating user input with functions in PHP

09 Sep 2017 21:07:45

Validating user input with functions in PHP

User input validation is one of the oldest and most frequently occurring problems in computer programming. It crops up regardless of programming language and at almost every project. If not dealt with skillfully, in particular when larger amount of user input is involved, it ...

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Mapping numeric score to feedback message in PHP

06 Sep 2017 23:04:22

Mapping numeric score to feedback message in PHP

The other day I coded a sort of game in PHP programming language. One of it's features is a final score pop-up message, which consists of three parts. They are a number, a percent and a few words of a humoristic player performance feeback. The feedback is based upon the ...

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Traversing array from the middle in PHP

30 Aug 2017 15:51:20

Traversing array from the middle in PHP

Traversing an array starting from the middle item in it is in many ways similar to traversing it from the beginning or the end. One small catch is such that, the middle item, or to be more accurate, the middle index of the array, has to be found before the rest of job can be ...

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Square pyramidal numbers and implementing them in PHP

19 Aug 2017 14:24:59

Square pyramidal numbers and implementing them in PHP

Square pyramidal numbers and implementing them in PHP Imagine a couple of boxes standing on a table. In each of these boxes there is one or more balls. Boxes are sorted according to the number of balls they contain. When you look into these boxes, you notice, that in the first ...

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S.Wojnowski - web developer

SWWW is my place on the web where I write on stuff related to web development. Main focus here is on my own programs and scripts, but also websites I have developed over years or helped develop, improve or maintain. In the Web Developer Zone I take a closer look at various solutions related to web development and computer programming.

If you find any of my projects interesting, useful or would like to know more on it, do let me know. This website has a contact form. Altenatively, you can leave a comment under an article on the blog.

Need a web developer?

S.Wojnowski - Hire a web developer

If you need a web developer for web development work drop me a line!

I am based in Wakefield, UK, but always happy to consider remote work opportunities.

Contact Me