S.Wojnowski - web development

Helping make the web work for everyone.

Welcome to my website. My name is Sylwester Wojnowski. I am a full stack web developer who started programming for the internet in 1998. As a web developer I plan, design and implement intereactive internet technologies and applications for individuals and organisations.

Web Developer Zone

Web Developer Zone is a code first section devoted to tools and techniques used in web development. Thematically, the main focus here is on PHP, Linux, BASH, JavaScript and a little bit of MySQL and Python.

Pick of the week

Dissecting e-mail spamming hack based on PHP CGI

Dissecting e-mail spamming hack based on PHP CGI

24 Jul 2020 18:27:44

Article about how vulnerable PHP CGI setups can become a source of e-mail spam.

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JSON object in asynchronous HTTP request

23 Feb 2020 16:24:10

JSON object in asynchronous HTTP request

Most of the time when there is a need for a HTTP client, a browser for example, to exchange data with a HTTP server, like Apache with loaded PHP module, the client sends the data in the form of a URL encoded string to the server using POST or GET (asynchronous) request. The data ...

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Vue.js Fetch API and PHP generators

21 Feb 2020 14:54:20

Vue.js Fetch API and PHP generators

By now, Vue.js is an established player among JavaScript frameworks for building user interfaces, and rightly so. It is lightweight, well-documented, easy to learn and incredibly flexible piece of JavaScript code. Considering all this, it is high time to give this framework an ...

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Binary Search algorithm advanced implementation in PHP

17 Feb 2020 00:41:03

Binary Search algorithm advanced implementation in PHP

In this article I look at what's known as Binary Search algorithm and provide its advanced implementation in PHP programming language. This is the second part of the series on the algorithm. In the first part (main/index/binary-search-algorithm-implementation-in-php) I ...

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Binary Search algorithm implementation in PHP

16 Feb 2020 00:43:24

Binary Search algorithm implementation in PHP

In this article I take a closer look at a very efficient search algorithm called Binary Search. I implement it in PHP programming language and provide example usage for searches done on arrays of common data. This article is the first part of the two. In the second part I give a ...

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S.Wojnowski - web developer

SWWW is my place on the web where I write on stuff related to web development. Main focus here is on my own programs and scripts, but also websites I have developed over years or helped develop, improve or maintain. In the Web Developer Zone I take a closer look at various solutions related to web development and computer programming.

If you find any of my projects interesting, useful or would like to know more on it, do let me know. This website has a contact form. Altenatively, you can leave a comment under an article on the blog.

Need a web developer?

S.Wojnowski - Hire a web developer

If you need a web developer for web development work drop me a line!

I am based in Wakefield, UK, but always happy to consider remote work opportunities.

Contact Me